When you are in the market for auto insurance, finding an independent insurance agency you can trust is imperative. At Everett Insurance in Glen Allen, VA, we have been in the insurance business for more than 90 years, meaning we have vast knowledge and experience. We provide the personalized service you require to get the proper coverage.
When your policy is renewed
When your auto policy renews, you will be sent a new policy. The cover sheet of the policy is called the declaration page. This page lists all your coverage and any endorsements you have added. This is the best time to review all your coverage and ensure it is what you need.
When you add a new driver
Adding a new driver can change the auto insurance you need, especially if it is a young driver. You may want to increase your liability coverage to play it safe.
When you add a new car
Adding a new vehicle to your policy can change a lot of things. If it is a newer vehicle with considerable value, you will need to have collision and comprehensive coverage. If you have an auto loan, gap coverage may be called for.
When you move
When you change address, this is an excellent opportunity to review your auto coverage to ensure you get the best possible deal. Even if you have moved within the same city, different neighborhoods may have different rates for coverage. If you have a garage at the new location that you didn’t have at your other location, this may also affect your rates.
Contact Everett Insurance in Glen Allen, VA, when you need auto insurance coverage. Please stop by our office or give us a call today.